Comment Travails: 3 cringe worthy moments.

Hi Lovelies,

Having a good day?

I spent the better part of my lunch time trying to meet up my goals for the blog like I mentioned in Pulse for May 2017.

That means I actually visited, followed and commented on some blogs today without threads and referrals.

It felt nice, i was not under any obligation, I read some really lovely content and got ideas too.

The problem started when I had to drop a comment. 



Imagine this scenario…

You know when you really enjoyed reading a post, you go ahead to type some really nice feedback, type in the required name and email address (if you are a frequent visitor to the blog, the details would have been filled) then unexpectedly meet a hitch once you hit ‘post comment’.


That feeling is so discouraging and I actually cringe…

Do you feel the same way sometimes?

I had some cringe worthy moments while dropping comments today (and every other time i have had to comment on a blog) and I’ll like to share.

Hopefully, we can learn a thing or two and make our blogs more accommodating for visitors.

  • Security Checks.

I get that this is important to protect our blog from all sorts of harm. 

Regardless, can we try security checks that are less stressful and more fun to participate in. I especially like the check that makes you answer easy maths questions (well, as long as it remains easy, I like it). 

Those kind of checks are fun because I do not feel like I am being suspected of an impending crime.

Dear blog owner (including me), we have typed a nice feedback.. just allow us drop it in your comment section and move on.

Road signs are definitely not a requirement for knowing using the mouse or keyboard. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰ *wink*

  • Subscription Box Pop-up

    These are fine…I like them coming up at least once…maybe when i am halfway into an article. 

    I cringe at the ones that won’t stop. 

    Some pop-ups are reoccurring and they just cover the ‘whole’ screen like Lady Altagracia’s guards in Iron Rose. Those guards protect her like their life depends on it… 

    (Iron Rose is a new Mexican telenovela I just started watching..loving it too).
    Why is the subscription box always in my way, don’t you want me to read the article? 

    I believe anyone would subscribe to a blog at their will.

    The problem is, I have only just visited the site. I am yet to start reading, i haven’t reached the comment section and suddenly this large pop-up appears from nowhere.

    Please, how is this not cringe worthy?

    This might not be the fault of the blogger but yea I feel uncomfortable when this happens to me while visiting a website.

    I’ll prefer less interruptions when reading a post you have published with love ๐Ÿ˜š๐Ÿ˜š

    • Nice Post!!

    Really though??????

    How do you honestly read a post, make it to the comment section uninterrupted and write ‘Nice Post’.

    I prefer ‘Nice or lovely Pictures’ because well, since there is no ‘like’ button, two words can suffice.

    No one should feel ‘entitled’ to receive comments but I am sure we all love to receive genuine feedback from our readers.

    The other day, I saw a blogger say he likes to go all out when dropping a comment but he sometimes get worried that the author of the post might feel that’s a lot of feedback.

    Is it really possible that a blogger would complain about a lengthy comment on his or her blog?

    Anyway, here’s a trick to help drop a meaningful comment on blogs.

    If an article is too lengthy (like this one) and you honestly cannot read ‘everything’, simply read a paragraph or more then argue for or against it.

    That spurs better interaction between the blog owner and the blog visitor. 

    ‘Nice post’ will get you a smiley or no response at all.

    • Extra

    I remember I wrote ‘nice’ (just a word) on a blog sometime ago because the Facebook/comment plug-in on that blog kept refreshing itself.  Halfway into my comment, it clears everything and takes me back to square one. I felt bad because she’ll probably see ‘nice’ and think I wasn’t interested in the article.

    I cringed!! She probably did too after seeing ‘nice’.

    So guys, ensure your plug-in isn’t making things difficult for your blog visitors.

    I really hope I do not make my readers go through the same painful effort just to drop a comment on a post.

    Let’s make our blogs hitch free for our visitors. Shall we??

    That’s all lovelies…

    Those are my cringe worthy moments when I go on a commenting spree๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰

    Knowing i am not alone will encourage me to keep dropping comments on the blogs I read…cringe worthy moments or smooth sailing….always give useful feedback.

    Let me know your thoughts…

    What cringe worthy moments do you experience when you visit a blog?

    Is there something on my blog you’ll like to see differently?

    I’ll love to read from you. 

    Love, Peace and Cupcakes


    57 thoughts on “Comment Travails: 3 cringe worthy moments.

    1. I’m very casual about it lol I just go and comment!! As you can see hahaha. I’ve never encountered such difficulties, maybe because I always comment through WordPress?

      Liked by 1 person

    2. HAHAHAHAHA this is so relatable. There was one time I got a “nice post i am new in blog too” like… OK, great to know. Haha. Honestly loved your post though!


    3. Haha. The worst is father typing a lengthy comment and the page reloads for some reason and the comment is no more ๐Ÿ™.

      I dislike when I have enter my details bit by bit. It usually happens when the bloggers move to their own domain. So much stress ๐Ÿ˜ช.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s true Corinne..This is the first time i am asking..i intend to always do so whenever i make a major change on the blog..It is important for the visitors to be comfortable..


    4. I totally agree with you in every aspect, I’m annoyed by the same things on blogs. I never subscribe to blogs that have subscriptions pop-ups always in my way and actually I avoid them. To comments such nice post I decided to respond the same way. Why should I take time to think and write a lengthy feedback if they didn’t the same for me?


    5. Absolutely agree with you , it so annoying when you keep reading the post and some ads or any other boxes comes up .. ohhh..


    6. This is a great post and I totally agree with you on making leaving comments easier, I hate pop ups , I hate music playing on blogs and I hate captcha, I can never get them right first time. So definitely the easier it is to leave comments the more likely readers will want to.


      1. I agree with you Nayna…i never get them right the first time too..i am tempted to think it is intentional to make us try more than imagine doing that with crappy internet…smh


    7. Definitely relatable! I agree most with the difficulty to comment…like I just wanna comment on your post, not jump through hoops. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Alas, the tech world…


    8. Nice post!

      Just kidding. ๐Ÿ™‚ Those security boxes are the worst. Can you not just delete spam or not approve the comment? I also have had a lot of experiences where I start typing my comment and then there’s no submit button. What is that? So weird.

      Liked by 1 person

    9. Once, I saw a security check that asked such weird mathematic question I had no clue how to solve & there wasn’t the button where you can change one. I get that those are impostant but for fs at least they should be easy haha ๐Ÿ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

    10. It does annoy me when I’m reading a post and pop up after pop up comes on my screen! Subscribe! Like on Facebook! Just no!! It puts me right off. I am more likely to follow them if I don’t get these “friendly” reminders each time I read a post

      Liked by 1 person

    11. Hahahaha….yes, you’re right and i got this kind of things too sometime. Some of them, they’re really complicated that you should filled some blank. Hmm…really bored and spend too much time. Lol…:)


    12. You are totally right! The one think i can’t stand is pop-ups especially when they come out all the time when i am trying to read. If i want to follow or to subscribe i will do it no matter what.

      Liked by 1 person

    13. I can’t imagine a blogger being upset at an extra long but relevant comment on their page. Although I suppose there are issues with not wanting to feel like people who want to comment cannot. But complainging in general about it seems silly.

      Liked by 1 person

    14. Thanks for sharing that – I agree with the pop up subscribe button all over the place! Also, I have no problems with someone monetizing their blog, in fact we plan to at some point. My issue is when there’s so many ads, you can hardly tell where the article is, where it starts and where it ends, especially if you’re reading it on a phone.
      – Christine


    15. Wow this is so relatable! I hate it when I accidentally press “submit comment” and they get half of my response. A pet peeve of my is when they put up security checks. Like, really? I can never tell which pictures have the street sign or not…

      Liked by 1 person

    16. I’m not keen on the massive pop ups asking me to sign up to follow a blog before I even started reading it. I don’t find it cringeworthy but it does seem strange to me!

      p.s. I love your sign off “peace love and cupcakes”
      It makes me smile each time I see it. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

    17. Great post ๐Ÿ™‚ haha! I have given up trying to comment on Blogspot blogs…for some reason, however I try to log in (Google, WordPress, even as an anonymous guest)…it just doesn’t let me comment at all. It’s a shame really ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

      Liked by 1 person

    18. Mmm what can I say. When I come across blogs where there is pop up after pop up, I start to feel my blood boil. And the “nice post,” don’t get me started! I always try to leave meaningful comments so when I log into my blog and see “nice post,” I just want to go back and delete my comment!


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